The Soundtrack of Wine (Jazz) - Part I

Sun, Nov 13, 2016 from 5pm - 7pm

  • 21+
This event has passed.

Does music impact what wine you prefer?  Will you enjoy a Cabernet Sauvignon more with jazz or with pop music.  Studies have begun to show that music does impact our preferences in wine (and perhaps in food and other beverages as well).  Join Cellar Experience on this journey to determine if music impacts your wine choices.  This class is the first in a four class series, but feel free to enjoy just one class, all four or somewhere in between.  Each class will include five wines, some will be the same and some will be different each time - so don't think you can out game this very non-scientific experiment.  And each class will be offered multiple times during any 12 month period.  Please contact us if you are interested in a package that includes all four classes (  This first class will include live jazz guitar by the talented, James Slater.  Come, relax and enjoy, but be sure to take notes so you can compare them next time when we drink to a completely different soundtrack.

The Kitchen of Bob Waggoner

164-A Market Street
Charleston, SC 29401